HowTo: Embedding Node-RED

Bring Node-RED to a broader audience is not easy. First of all it is a programming tool, second its main focus is Internet of Things (IoT) and thirdly it is a visual flow based programming - whatever that maybe.

It does seem that it is impossible to explain Node-RED to non-techies and even programmers roll their eyes. I have been searching for possibilities to bring my enthusiasm for Node-RED across to others however the more I do, the more I realise how niche the topics visual programming, flow based programming and Node-RED really are. Here I could give up.

But I shan’t be daunted and keep coming up with ideas to bring Node-RED to others. It began with a simple image of flows: instead of text, an interactive image of a flow can be embedded in a blog page, having been generated from the original flows.json content. Scrolling and zooming are possible, which provide an insight into the look of a Node-RED flow[1]:

        "id": "528568d05a24b7bb",
        "type": "subflow",
        "name": "LED (3)",
        "info": "",
        "category": "",
        "in": [
                "x": 512,
                "y": 396.5,
                "wires": [
                        "id": "b69c53210a23dc69"
        "out": [
                "x": 881,
                "y": 322,
                "wires": [
                        "id": "b69c53210a23dc69",
                        "port": 0
        "env": [],
        "meta": {},
        "color": "#FFF",
        "icon": "node-red/light.svg"
        "id": "b69c53210a23dc69",
        "type": "ClientCode",
        "z": "528568d05a24b7bb",
        "name": "",
        "clientcode": "var ndeId = (msg._subflowOut || [\"\"])[0].split(\":\")[1]\n\nif (msg.action == \"random\") {\n\n    setTimeout(() => {\n        var v = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);\n        var fillVal = (v < 20 ? \"green\" : (v < 40 ? \"red\" : (v < 60 ? \"yellow\" : (v < 80 ? \"blue\" : \"grey\"))))\n        $($('#' + ndeId).find('rect')[0]).css('fill', fillVal)\n\n        if (!msg.freeze) {\n            setTimeout(() => { $($('#' + ndeId).find('rect')[0]).css('fill', 'white') }, (750 * Math.random()) + 250);\n        }\n\n        msg.column += 1;\n        node.send(msg)\n    }, msg.delay);\n}\n\nif (msg.action == \"rolling\") {\n    var columns = [\n        [\"green\", \"yellow\", \"red\", \"blue\"] //,\"grey\"],\n    ];\n\n    var clr = columns[msg.row % columns.length][msg.column % columns[0].length];\n\n    setTimeout(() => {\n        $($('#' + ndeId).find('rect')[0]).css('fill', clr)\n\n        if (!msg.freeze) {\n            setTimeout(() => { $($('#' + ndeId).find('rect')[0]).css('fill', 'white') }, 350);\n        }\n\n        msg.column += 1;\n        node.send(msg)\n    }, msg.delay);\n}\n\nif (msg.action == \"dotmatrix\") {\n    var uint_8 = /* 16px by 16px, column major, big endian. @ */\n        [\n            0xfe, 0xff, 0x40, 0x88, 0x20, 0x8c, 0xfe, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x71, 0x7c, 0x00, 0x82, 0xff, 0x7c, 0x99, 0x00, 0x99, 0xfe, 0x81, 0x82, 0x00, 0x7c, 0xff, 0x00, 0x81, 0xfe, 0x81, 0x92, 0x42, 0x82, 0x3c, 0x00, 0x00\n        ];\n    var mod = uint_8.length / 2\n\n    var b = => { return (\"000000000\" + d.toString(2)).slice(-8) })\n    var cidx = ((msg.column % mod) * 2) + (msg.row > 7 ? 1 : 0);\n    var ridx = msg.row % 8;\n\n    var clr = b[cidx][ridx] == \"1\" ? \"red\" : \"white\"\n\n    setTimeout(() => {\n        $($('#' + ndeId).find('rect')[0]).css('fill', clr)\n\n        if (!msg.freeze) {\n            setTimeout(() => { $($('#' + ndeId).find('rect')[0]).css('fill', 'white') }, 350);\n        }\n\n        msg.column += 1;\n        node.send(msg)\n    }, msg.delay);\n}\n\n",
        "format": "javascript",
        "x": 686,
        "y": 357.5,
        "wires": [
        "id": "a3f6aebd9bb877bc",
        "type": "tab",
        "label": "[Exp] Status Ticker - take 3 - Client Code",
        "disabled": false,
        "info": "::: aim\n\nCreate a ticker wall using the status colours.\n\nThis is an experimental flow showing off the flexibility of Node-RED. The flows usage is limited to optics.\n\n:::\n\n### WARNING\n\nThis flow, once started does not stop!!! The only way to stop the flow is to use the \"Restart Flows\" menu point on the Deploy drop-down.\n\n![img](\n\n### Flow Explanation\n\nThe flow consists of 16 by 16 instances of the LED subflow. The LED subflow contains the logic for setting the status colours.\n\nEach node in the flow becomes a message with a `column` and `row` value. The column number is incremented as the message is passed through the nodes while the row value is set at the beginning of each row.\n\nMessages are looped within a row by link-out and link-in pair at the beginning and end of each row.\n\nBecuause the flow uses no state information, it is difficult to assign each node a fixed column number (the node would need to store that).\n\n### Inputs \n\nThere are three actions:\n\n- <a class=\"ahl-link-node\" data-ids=\"1f42b4a643589cef,e9b3938dc45fb95f\">Random</a> button to make status blink randomly\n- <a class=\"ahl-link-node\" data-ids=\"b18ef8b8a5589884,e9b3938dc45fb95f\">Rolling</a> button that makes status colours roll through the colour ranges\n- <a class=\"ahl-link-node\" data-ids=\"b281abc6056567a8,e9b3938dc45fb95f\">DotMatrix</a> that will produce a dot matrix text\n\nThere are two other settings:\n\n- <a class='ahl-node-only' data-ids=\"e1154024e518e88d\">verbose</a> which will add a status text with the row and column number of the node. \n- <a class='ahl-node-only' data-ids='eac35d5f098e2198'>freeze</a> which will freeze the status after the initial display.\n\n### Tooling\n\n- [Dot Matrix Tool]( for generating the text matrix. The configuration to use is `16px by 16px, column major, big endian.` - the result needs to be placed in the subflows' function node.\n\n### Preview\n\n![img](\n\n",
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        "name": " ",
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        "name": " ",
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The flow shown can be found on and can also be viewed in 3D.

However it remains a static image of a flow that creates a ticker wall. Certainly one can see that the code looks like what the code does, i.e., a ticker wall. However real understanding only comes if one can see it in action. Now of course, if you do not have an installation of Node-RED to hand or cannot install Node-RED, then you are very much left in the dark on what the ticker wall looks like in action.

This is something that has been giving me sleepless nights for a long time. I have been thinking about this ever since starting out with Node-RED.

Clarification: Node-RED is a fully blown development environment, you can literally do anything with it. Having an internet facing Node-RED installation with a server would be an open invitation to all sorts of nasty happenings. The Internet is no longer that friendly place frequented by academics to exchange ideas, the internet has become a commercial affair, a battle for the eyeballs of consumers. An open installation of Node-RED is therefore not an option.

Having a login or SaaS solution would be one approach but that would be one step too far for my intended audience. Who is willing to signup for a service just to see a ticker wall? Certainly not me. What was needed was an in-browser server-less Node-RED that simulates the workings of a complete Node-RED.

There have been a couple of attempts, one using Stackblitz which installs an entire Node-RED setup in the browser. Unfortunately the Stackblitz solution is too technical and fragile to provide a serious approach for all browsers, mobile/desktop and for all users. An existing a server-less version of Node-RED does what I want but Pagenodes has not been updated for six years and has an old Node-RED version. But it gave me the idea for creating something similar.

I sat down on one of my sleepless days and began playing around. Strangely it turns out to be far simpler than I had thought — especially having played around with Stackblitz. In the end, deadred was born[2]. Now the same flow shown above can be viewed and run/executed/experienced in a Node-RED simulation. As can any flow hosted at — my site for hosting the various flows that I have played around with.

But wait, that’s not all!

I then realised that I could also embed that Node-RED into my blog:

Finally I can simulate the Node-RED experience in the browser, with no strings attached and no hackable server. If you want to create a bitcoin miner with the static Node-RED installation, go ahead - it will run in your browser, not on my server! The ticker wall flow can be started by clicking the button on the top left:


Finally everyone can enjoy using Node-RED at the click of a button, no signup, no credit card necessary.

The Server-less Server

At this point, I have a confession to make: the server-less Node-RED is not completely server-less. In fact there is a server to provide the initial flow. There are a couple of other things the server does to ensure that Node-RED does not complain about not having a server. The code for this server is this flow — of course, the server for the server-less Node-RED is a Node-RED flow.

The flows that can initially be loaded are hosted at and have a fhid= parameter. Using a gist= parameter for referring to a flow hosted at is also supported.

If you want to do this at home, then clone the repo, install the server flow and change the dynamic server address. I have tried to keep the changes to the original javascript code to a minimum. My changes to that file are contained in the red.cdn.js and all other additions are in deadred.js - for simulating flow execution.

In the end, to embed the above Node-RED, all I did was:

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="600px"></iframe>

That fhid= can then be replaced with gist= and you can embed any Node-RED flow into your page.

Browser support

As usual and as expected, not all browsers will support this. Chrome requires the iframe to come from the same domain, so I used the subdomain deadred (it requires this because of local storage access). Firefox and Safari seem less caring about that, but it seems using a subdomain and the same domain is best for embedding iframes.

Last updated: 2023-12-31T11:14:14.667Z

  1. The code for transforming Node-RED flows into vector images such as the one above, is over at GitHub. ↩︎

  2. I did not call it deadred for marketing purposes, originally I had not planned to add flow execution simulation so it was dead. With partial flow execution, its seems to be a concussed Node-RED rather than dead. ↩︎

The author is available for Node-RED development and consultancy.